Gabriela Barbosa | Case
PT Transformamos uma profissional com autoridade e influência em uma marca que simboliza um novo movimento de mercado que capacita psicólogas autônomas a se tronarem empreendedoras. Dentro de um mercado que fala muito sobre “conquistar uma agenda lotada”, a Gabriela Barbosa aparece contra a maré, se levantando como a solução para aquelas que querem ganhar bem, atendendo menos pacientes, com mais qualidade e consequentemente possuindo mais tempo para cuidar de si mesmas. Enquanto uma profissional especialista em Neurociencia, Gabriela se posiciona como autoridade quando se trata de stress, assunto tão recorrente no meio do empreendedorismo. Dessa forma, a @psigabrielabarbosa passa a orientar tanto seus pacientes, quanto suas mentoradas a como ter sucesso profissional com qualidade de vida sem se sobrecarregar. EN We transform a professional with authority and influence into a brand that represents a new market trend, empowering autonomous psychologists to become entrepreneurs. In a market that often focuses on “filling up your schedule,” Gabriela Barbosa stands out by going against the tide. She provides a solution for those who want to earn well while seeing fewer patients, delivering higher quality service, and consequently having more time to take care of themselves. As a specialist in neuroscience, Gabriela positions herself as an authority on stress, a common issue in the entrepreneurial world. Thus, @psigabrielabarbosa guides both her patients and her mentees on how to achieve professional success with quality of life without overloading themselves. PT A criação do nome OWNER para a mentoria da Gabriela Barbosa reflete a transição promovida por seus ensinamentos. Psicólogas autônomas passam a ser verdadeiras donas de seus próprios negócios, agenda e de sua saúde física e mental. O nome simboliza a tomada de controle sobre suas carreiras, empoderando-as a escalar seus negócios, criar suas próprias mentorias e atingir um novo patamar de sucesso e autonomia. O novo nome enfatiza o foco da mentoria em desenvolver habilidades empreendedoras e fortalecer a confiança das psicólogas em seu potencial como líderes. EN The creation of the name OWNER for Gabriela Barbosa’s mentorship program reflects the transition promoted by her teachings. Autonomous psychologists become true owners of their businesses, schedules, and physical and mental health. The name symbolizes taking control of their careers, empowering them to scale their businesses, create their own mentorships, and reach a new level of success and autonomy. The new name emphasizes the mentorship’s focus on developing entrepreneurial skills and strengthening psychologists’ confidence in their potential as leaders.
Gabriela Barbosa | Branding
PT Transformamos uma profissional com autoridade e influência em uma marca que simboliza um novo movimento de mercado que capacita psicólogas autônomas a se tronarem empreendedoras. Dentro de um mercado que fala muito sobre “conquistar uma agenda lotada”, a Gabriela Barbosa aparece contra a maré, se levantando como a solução para aquelas que querem ganhar bem, atendendo menos pacientes, com mais qualidade e consequentemente possuindo mais tempo para cuidar de si mesmas. Enquanto uma profissional especialista em Neurociencia, Gabriela se posiciona como autoridade quando se trata de stress, assunto tão recorrente no meio do empreendedorismo. Dessa forma, a @psigabrielabarbosa passa a orientar tanto seus pacientes, quanto suas mentoradas a como ter sucesso profissional com qualidade de vida sem se sobrecarregar. EN We transform a professional with authority and influence into a brand that represents a new market trend, empowering autonomous psychologists to become entrepreneurs. In a market that often focuses on “filling up your schedule,” Gabriela Barbosa stands out by going against the tide. She provides a solution for those who want to earn well while seeing fewer patients, delivering higher quality service, and consequently having more time to take care of themselves. As a specialist in neuroscience, Gabriela positions herself as an authority on stress, a common issue in the entrepreneurial world. Thus, @psigabrielabarbosa guides both her patients and her mentees on how to achieve professional success with quality of life without overloading themselves. PT A criação do nome OWNER para a mentoria da Gabriela Barbosa reflete a transição promovida por seus ensinamentos. Psicólogas autônomas passam a ser verdadeiras donas de seus próprios negócios, agenda e de sua saúde física e mental. O nome simboliza a tomada de controle sobre suas carreiras, empoderando-as a escalar seus negócios, criar suas próprias mentorias e atingir um novo patamar de sucesso e autonomia. O novo nome enfatiza o foco da mentoria em desenvolver habilidades empreendedoras e fortalecer a confiança das psicólogas em seu potencial como líderes. EN The creation of the name OWNER for Gabriela Barbosa’s mentorship program reflects the transition promoted by her teachings. Autonomous psychologists become true owners of their businesses, schedules, and physical and mental health. The name symbolizes taking control of their careers, empowering them to scale their businesses, create their own mentorships, and reach a new level of success and autonomy. The new name emphasizes the mentorship’s focus on developing entrepreneurial skills and strengthening psychologists’ confidence in their potential as leaders.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla cursus nunc in eros posuere, at vehicula libero laoreet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec at tortor accumsan, feugiat erat id, fringilla neque. Pellentesque gravida semper erat et commodo. Morbi semper porttitor velit, id porttitor libero vehicula vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam euismod ex purus, auctor ornare tellus ultrices eleifend. Nam erat ante, porttitor luctus consequat at, ultrices id tellus. Curabitur ultricies lectus est, nec mattis lacus vulputate id. Curabitur in maximus lorem. Donec id rhoncus est. Sed porttitor dui eu congue ultricies. Phasellus sit amet tincidunt dolor, ac varius dolor. Sed at enim id diam tempus lobortis. Duis eu eros eget mauris sodales auctor. Etiam dapibus viverra justo, non tempus nulla condimentum id. Praesent finibus mi dapibus dui ultrices, placerat ullamcorper turpis vehicula. Nam bibendum libero non magna eleifend lacinia. Quisque mollis nulla purus, a efficitur ante semper sit amet. Fusce vel hendrerit nisi, in sollicitudin metus. Donec id placerat massa. Donec tortor ipsum, finibus id est ut, placerat egestas elit. Vestibulum vitae ultrices dolor. Donec aliquam elit a justo dignissim vehicula. Aliquam suscipit, magna eget pellentesque sollicitudin, tellus tortor rutrum neque, vitae pellentesque lectus mi eget est. Aenean luctus mollis tortor eu tristique. Sed convallis in risus sed pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae ipsum metus. Nulla molestie eget tellus sed congue. Sed volutpat vitae ante vitae vestibulum. Etiam in fringilla leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla cursus nunc in eros posuere, at vehicula libero laoreet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec at tortor accumsan, feugiat erat id, fringilla neque. Pellentesque gravida semper erat et commodo. Morbi semper porttitor velit, id porttitor libero vehicula vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam euismod ex purus, auctor ornare tellus ultrices eleifend. Nam erat ante, porttitor luctus consequat at, ultrices id tellus. Curabitur ultricies lectus est, nec mattis lacus vulputate id. Curabitur in maximus lorem. Donec id rhoncus est. Sed porttitor dui eu congue ultricies. Phasellus sit amet tincidunt dolor, ac varius dolor. Sed at enim id diam tempus lobortis. Duis eu eros eget mauris sodales auctor. Etiam dapibus viverra justo, non tempus nulla condimentum id. Praesent finibus mi dapibus dui ultrices, placerat ullamcorper turpis vehicula. Nam bibendum libero non magna eleifend lacinia. Quisque mollis nulla purus, a efficitur ante semper sit amet. Fusce vel hendrerit nisi, in sollicitudin metus. Donec id placerat massa. Donec tortor ipsum, finibus id est ut, placerat egestas elit. Vestibulum vitae ultrices dolor. Donec aliquam elit a justo dignissim vehicula. Aliquam suscipit, magna eget pellentesque sollicitudin, tellus tortor rutrum neque, vitae pellentesque lectus mi eget est. Aenean luctus mollis tortor eu tristique. Sed convallis in risus sed pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae ipsum metus. Nulla molestie eget tellus sed congue. Sed volutpat vitae ante vitae vestibulum. Etiam in fringilla leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla cursus nunc in eros posuere, at vehicula libero laoreet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec at tortor accumsan, feugiat erat id, fringilla neque. Pellentesque gravida semper erat et commodo. Morbi semper porttitor velit, id porttitor libero vehicula vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam euismod ex purus, auctor ornare tellus ultrices eleifend. Nam erat ante, porttitor luctus consequat at, ultrices id tellus. Curabitur ultricies lectus est, nec mattis lacus vulputate id. Curabitur in maximus lorem. Donec id rhoncus est. Sed porttitor dui eu congue ultricies. Phasellus sit amet tincidunt dolor, ac varius dolor. Sed at enim id diam tempus lobortis. Duis eu eros eget mauris sodales auctor. Etiam dapibus viverra justo, non tempus nulla condimentum id. Praesent finibus mi dapibus dui ultrices, placerat ullamcorper turpis vehicula. Nam bibendum libero non magna eleifend lacinia. Quisque mollis nulla purus, a efficitur ante semper sit amet. Fusce vel hendrerit nisi, in sollicitudin metus. Donec id placerat massa. Donec tortor ipsum, finibus id est ut, placerat egestas elit. Vestibulum vitae ultrices dolor. Donec aliquam elit a justo dignissim vehicula. Aliquam suscipit, magna eget pellentesque sollicitudin, tellus tortor rutrum neque, vitae pellentesque lectus mi eget est. Aenean luctus mollis tortor eu tristique. Sed convallis in risus sed pulvinar. Vestibulum vitae ipsum metus. Nulla molestie eget tellus sed congue. Sed volutpat vitae ante vitae vestibulum. Etiam in fringilla leo.
Help keep LW&D afloat
Now the bad news: LW&D is no longer sustainable to run the way it’s been running. I very much hate asking for help, but we’re out of options. I feel a little beat down/exhausted this past year as I’ve spent countless hours & resources trying to find a sponsor, with no luck. Many people think we’re a huge organization with funding/backing, but that’s far from the case. I’ve poured tons of my own money & our studio’s resources into keeping LW&D Global running, as we haven’t had one financial sponsor to date. We’ve tried partnerships & merch, but nothing panned out for raising money. It’s not sustainable to keep this organization going in a thoughtful way without sponsorship and/or additional support. First, some background on LW&D. I started LW&D four years ago after realizing that sometimes women can be competitive with one another, possibly because our chances of rising to the top are so slim. 70% of students in many top design schools are women, yet only .1% of creative agencies are woman-founded. 5% of CEOs are women & 11% of creative directors are women. Why are so few women in leadership roles? I wrote an article about the experience that was my inspiration for starting LW&D here, and another one here about my future vision. I wanted to create a supportive space for women & non-binary creatives to come together and share inspiration, exchange advice & lift each another up. There are many events for women out there now, but they usually come with high ticket fees (as they are for-profit) that make them inaccessible to the people who need the events most. This idea started humbly in NYC five years ago, and shortly after, women around the world asked if they could bring LW&D to their city. We never planned to be a global operation, but thanks to the leadership and courage of amazing women around the world, we’ve grown organically to over 285 cities worldwide. We have free monthly talks, meetups, portfolio reviews & mentorship circles. LW&D is not about any one of us — it’s about the tens of thousands of women & non-binary people (and sometimes men as well) around the world who come together each month to work towards diversity and equality in their local creative communities. The stories that come out of our events are incredible. Every year, LW&D events have thousands of attendees. We’ve heard stories from many of you firsthand about how the chapters are life-changing to your lives & careers. These stories are truly motivating and the reason why we want to push LW&D to be even better, despite the organization being time-consuming, expensive, and at times, quite stressful. In 2020, we have specific goals in place for LW&D so we can deliver even further on our mission: We’d like to create a diverse leadership/advisory board to help shape the future of our organization. We’d like to hire one person on full time to run the organization. We’d like to create grants for underrepresented people in creative fields. We want to create an expansive mentorship program for underrepresented creative high-schoolers. We’d like to have a fund to pay our NYC events, speakers & moderators. We want to ensure our outreach goes to diverse audiences and that our events stay free & inclusive. The list of what we could do and the ways we could improve with financial support goes on and on. Despite big plans, we have two things holding us back: time & money. 1 – Time: I put countless hours into running LW&D global along with our &Walsh team and my mom, but we’re not able to keep up with the demand at the global level anymore. No matter how much time we put in, we’re always behind on maintaining events and new chapter openings vs. working on our big picture goals. LW&D needs diverse leadership on a global level. Ideally, these positions will be paid, but that leads to our second problem… 2 – Money: We’ve never had financial sponsorship, and we’ve managed to always keep LW&D Global’s events free. Free events are important to us, as we want any person to be able to attend our events regardless of financial background. To do this, everything to date has been self-funded. This includes the website, Instagram, art/design assets, newsletter, legal fees, etc. I, of course, will continue to support LW&D, but it’s not enough to achieve the goals mentioned above. Below is a breakdown of some ideas that could help keep LW&D running & ensure a thoughtful growth: If you’re a company and want to support women & non-binary creatives worldwide, email us at Now that we have our official non-profit tax exemption, this will be a tax write off. Even if you’re not in a leadership position at a big company, you can use your voice on social. Tag big companies on our Instagram post that you’d love to see stepping up to support diversity in the creative fields. If you work at a big company, please email us for our sponsorship deck and pass it along to the right person in your company to see if they can support it. For companies that support us: we can offer lots of social media love, sponsorship placement at our events / on our website & newsletter, exclusive events for underrepresented creatives at your company, among other perks. Over the years, many of you have messaged me about how much LW&D has helped you or your local city chapters in various ways. While I read almost all of them, I sadly never screenshotted or saved any of them. If you can email these to me at with the title “LW&D Story” (please don’t DM – my DM’s are overwhelmed) these testimonials would be helpful as we continue to look for sponsorship. If you attend/attended our events, or have found value in our LW&D community and you’re financially able to donate, it will be greatly appreciated. We’ve never taken donations before, but we’re
&Walsh launches, joining the .1% of Women Founded Creative Agencies
Today, as I launch my creative agency &Walsh, I am overwhelmed with emotion: elation that this is finally happening, exhaustion from the non-stop work that brought me to this point & an anxious excitement about what’s next.